• “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.” Psalm 143:10

    See what’s going on in Christian Education with our monthly calendar at the link below!


Sunday School

St. Andrew’s offers many different Sunday School classes for our students, from our PreK program which focuses on child friendly stories from the Old and New Testaments, through to our Senior High discussion group. We incorporate activity, music, art, games, and snacks to make the learning experience enjoyable for all our students.

Throughout the year, our Sunday School program has special events and service projects which bring all of our classes and their families together.

Visitors are always welcome to participate! Friends are always welcome as well!
For more information on Sunday School classes and events, click here.

Adult Education

Our “older” students are encouraged to bring their coffee and sit in on one of our Adult Sunday School classes. Classes change every few weeks and offer a wide range of topics such as How to Read the Bible, Church History, World Religions, book studies, and current event discussions.

St. Andrew’s also offers Thursday Lunch Bunch Bible Studies and men’s and women’s breakfast.

For more information on Adult Education, please click here.

First Communion Instruction

St. Andrew’s offers First Communion instruction to students in fifth grade or higher who have not previously received instruction in the sacrament of Holy Communion. This is a five week class which begins the Sunday before Ash Wednesday and culminates with the service of Holy Communion on the Sunday before Palm Sunday.

For more information on this program, click here.

Confirmation Class

St. Andrew’s two year Confirmation instruction for all 7th and 8th graders begins in October and runs through May. The class is taught with a Year A/Year B structure and culminates with the Rite of Affirmation of Baptism on Reformation Sunday in the students’ 9th grade year.

For more information on this program, click here.

Bear Creek Camp

St. Andrew’s has long been a partner with Bear Creek Lutheran Camp. Bear Creek Camp offers a traditional, residential camp program centered on spiritual growth, outdoor living, and small group development.

For more information about Bear Creek Camp, click here.

Vacation Bible School

Each year, St. Andrew’s hosts a themed Bible School program for children who are 4yrs old through those just having finished 4th grade. The program runs Monday-Thursday from 9am-12pm. Kids who attend will hear stories from the bible, sing songs, play games, enjoy snacks, conduct science experiments, and make crafts.

For more information on VBS, click here.