Saturday Worship at 5:00 PM – We celebrate Christ’s entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, reflect on what he experienced, and what those experiences say to us in today’s world.

Palm Sunday – 8:15 or 10:45 AM: A triumphant processional with special music and shouted hosannas acknowledge Christ the King.  But this day of celebration is far more than it seems, because God brings about the fulfillment of his loving plan for the world in some pretty unexpected ways.

Maundy Thursday – 7:30 PM   Today we are reminded that our life of discipleship is a life of forgiveness and servanthood.  We are commanded by Jesus to love one another and we are united with Christ, with the saints, and with one another at the Lord’s Supper.  This brings us great strength in our own life of discipleship.

 Good Friday Service of Tenebrae (Darkness and Light) at 7:30 PM  In this deeply moving service, we gather around the word, prayer, and the cross, the central sign of our salvation.

Easter Vigil – Liturgy of Light, Word, Baptismal Remembrance, and Holy Communion at 5:00 PM (About 90 min. in length)  In this historic, deeply symbolic service, we are reminded of the great acts of God from Creation to Exodus to Resurrection.  God’s saving grace is proclaimed, then light fills the church as that grace fills us.

Easter Sunday Worship – 8:15 OR  10:45 AM  We rejoice at the empty tomb.  Alleluia!  Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

Come join us in our journey from sorrow to joy, from death to life.