Coming Up in Worship…
Maundy Thursday – 7:30 PM
In this service of Holy Communion, we are reminded that our life of discipleship is a life of forgiveness and servanthood. In this brief worship experience, we are commanded by Jesus to love one another and we are united with Christ, with the saints, and with one another at the Lord’s Supper. This brings us great strength in our own life of discipleship.
Good Friday Service of Tenebrae (Darkness and Light) at 7:30 PM
This deeply moving worship begins in light and ends in darkness. We gather around the word, prayer, and the cross, the central sign of our salvation. (Digital content will be posted on Friday afternoon through email as well as on our website and Facebook page)
Abbreviated Easter Vigil – Liturgy of Light, Word, Baptismal Remembrance, and Holy Communion at 5:00 PM
In this historic, deeply symbolic service, we are reminded of the great acts of God from Creation to Exodus to Resurrection. God’s saving grace is proclaimed, then light fills the church as that grace fills us. Come and experience profound readings, wonderful music, and a first glimpse of the resurrection.
Easter Sunday – 8:15 and 10:45 AM
With word and sacrament, prayer and song, choirs, bells, and brass, we rejoice at the empty tomb. Gather with us in this powerful celebration of despair transformed by joy, darkness transformed by light, and death transformed by life.
(Digital content will be posted early Easter morning through email, our website, and our Facebook page.)
Participating in the upcoming services can only heighten your sense of joy when we celebrate the resurrection. Think about family members, friends, co-workers, or neighbors who could join you for one of these special services. Come join us as we seek hope, joy, and peace in the presence of Christ, and then go forth to see Him all the more clearly in our daily lives. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!