Christmas Eve – Come and Celebrate with Us!

Service of the Word and Christmas Carols (includes brief children’s message) – 2 PM

Brief Gathering of Holy Communion in Hospitality Room – 3:30 PM

Family Worship (with interactive Christmas presentation for children) – 4PM

Candlelight Worship with Holy Communion – 7PM

(Featuring Christmas Music from our choirs, soloists and instrumentalists)

Sunday Worship (during school / program year)  @ 8:15 & 10:45  AM
(Communion is celebrated on most Sundays throughout the year)

Saturday Worship (during school / program year) @ 5:00 PM

(Communion is celebrated weekly on Saturday evenings, On the second Saturday of the month, Soulful Strings, our acoustic group,  will lead the congregation in song.

Summer Sunday Worship @ 9:30 AM (from Memorial Day through Labor Day Weekends)
(Communion is celebrated weekly throughout the summer)


Additional worship resources found on this site and on our Facebook page.