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Livestream Worship and Teaching

Here Ever After

Here Ever After

Have you ever experienced a “here after” moment?  For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, it is when you walk into a room only to stop and have that blank expression on your face because you could not remember what you are here after! (Ahhh…now you understand!) Difficulty remembering things is […]

Thank You From Pastor Mueller

The date was June 14, 1996, one of the hottest days of that summer! The location was a very uncomfortable church (with no air conditioning) in White Plains, New York. The occasion was my Ordination into the Office of Word and Sacrament. I along, with five other recent seminary graduates had hands laid upon our […]

Christmas Pageants Past

Thanks to the recording of St. Andrew’s member, Bob Terrio, the editing of our Director of Christian Education, Nicole Kruvczuk, and the help of staff, teachers, and families of Christmas past, here is our Christmas Pageant for 2020, memorable moments caught on camera at Christmas time at St. Andrew’s over the last 20 years! If […]

Prayers for Our Nation

Our nation needs your prayers. If unsure what to pray, here are some prayers from our Lutheran hymnal: Eternal God, amid all the turmoil and changes of the world your love is steadfast and your strength never fails. In this time of danger and trouble, be to us a sure guardian and rock of defense. […]