“There are different ways of serving but the same Lord is served.”
1 Corinthians 12:5
We welcome God’s people of all ages to serve according to their gifts, their interests, and their availability.
For the builders and fixers among us:
- Habitat for Humanity
- Helping Hands (basic household assistance for elderly / disabled)
- Property Clean-up Days
- Repair Cafe
For the crafty among us:
- Quilting Ministry
- Make a Blanket Day
- Project Linus
For those who can’t get out of the kitchen
- Norristown Soup Kitchen
- Cookie Baking for our Shut-Ins
- Annual Picnic for Forteniters
- Rise Against Hunger
For the generous among us:
- Red Cross Blood Drives
- Toy and Clothing Drives
- Food and Gift Card Collections
- Projects for local schools
For the compassionate among us
- Worship Services in Senior Communities
- Transportation for Events @ Parkhouse and Manatawny Manor