2024-2025_Adult Ed Calendar

Adult Education begins September 18th at 9:30am

September 15th – Bible Stories for Grownups Led by Wendy Leinhauser

A look at familiar Bible stories with new and fascinating details and possible interpretations that we would not have been able to grasp in Sunday School or Confirmation. This fascinating and sometimes fun study includes Noah’s ark, the sacrifice of Isaac, Jonah and the big fish, Jesus and Zacchaus, and the parable of the talents.

September 15th – Curve Ball by Peter Enns Book Study Led by Pastor Mueller

Life throws us curveballs, from personal losses to tragedies in our communities.  These experiences can leave us doubting God, the Bible, and our faith. Instead of fighting our reservations, how do we embrace them and grow?  Biblical scholar Pete Enns writes a more personal book reflecting on his own faith journey while asking us to examine ours.

October 27th – What If Jesus Was Serious III Book Study Led by David Willauer

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus presents a standard that is difficult, if not impossible to attain.  As a result, many contemporary Christians are eager to dismiss it.  But what if Jesus was serious?  We’ll use Skye Jethani’s book of the same name to listen for the integrity, gentleness, kindness, and love that Jesus reveals.  Not necessary to have attended Parts I & II.

October 27th – The Call Led by David Enlow

This video / discussion series follows the journeys of St. Paul, beginning with his dramatic conversion to his preaching and establishing churches in modern day Turkey and Greece. Included in this time together are Paul’s reflections in his letters to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Phillipians, Colossians, and Thessalonians.

December 1st – The Redemption of Scrooge Led by Pattee Kissinger

The Redemption of Scrooge shows us how the teachings of Jesus can be found in Dickens’ Christmas classic. From the ghosts of Christmas past, to the Life of the present, and the resurrection of Christmas future, this Advent study will “bless us every one” and reinvigorate our spiritual journeys as we look at this familiar story through the lens of faith.

December 1st – Wired Word Discussion Group with Wendy Leinhauser in the Conference Room

This class examines and discusses current events through a Christian lens.

January 5th – Goal Setting for the Second Half of Life Led by David Willauer

We all have goals.  The right goals can give us direction and focus.  Goals can help us plan and solve problems.   What can we learn about the goals the members of the Corinthian Church were setting?  Some of their goals were based on competing values. What should be the focus of all our goals?

January 5th – The Gospel of Luke: Friends in Low Places Led by David Enlow

Throughout Jesus’ ministry, we find stories of his relationships with ordinary, flawed, and unexpected people. This series examines the way that Jesus met, dined, traveled with, and healed people who were far from perfect and what that might have to say about our relationship with Christ.

February 9th – Super Bowl Bible Trivia Led by Jim Goldsmith

Join our Jr. High’s in the Hospitality Center as they play as Super Bowl contenders and demonstrate their biblical knowledge. Winning team name has won the Super Bowl for the last 7 years!!!

February 16th – Paul’s Journeys Led by Pastor Mueller

Pastor Mueller will use the book of Acts, excerpts from Paul’s letters, and experiences from his own recent journeys to Greece and Turkey to discuss why Paul’s context was so crucial to his message and what his preaching and teaching has to say to us today.

March 9th – Cults Led by Andy and Francis Smith

What makes a group a cult?  Are cults dangerous?  Do they still exist in the modern world?  Join us as we examine a variety of religious groups, both past and present, with ideas and practices that are outside the mainstream.

March 9th – Presentation by Staples

March 16th – Why Easter Matters Led by Michael Duris

This video / discussion series centers around people and events of the Holy Week and Easter story , the struggle to trust, and the promise of Easter.  Characters included in our discussion are Caiphas, Judas Iscariot, the two criminals on the cross, and the disciples of Jesus. What is it like to have our whole world turned upside down and then to find hope again?

April 13th – Questions led by Wendy Leinhauser in the Hospitality Center

Feel comfortable in faith conversations with gentle, leading questions that will safely delve into topics most people want to talk about but may not know how to start.

Thursday Lunch Bunch Bible Study Begins September 12th at 12:00pm

We gather every Thursday at noontime to enjoy lunch and take a look at the readings being used in worship that weekend. You are welcome to use a Bible of your choice, although the readings and discussion questions will be provided. There is plenty of time for your questions and deeper learning and discussion of these texts than would be possible in a worship setting, in person or online.

Men’s Breakfast

We gather on the first Saturday of the month 8:00 – 9:00 AM