Join us June 16th -19th from 9am-12pm as St. Andrew’s gets ready for summer vacation with bible road trip stories!

Registration is open for children who are 4 years old through those who are currently finishing 4th grade. Older children who have finished 5th grade are welcome to attend as helpers (fill out helper form in the store)! Kids will meet friends, explore Bible stories, conduct experiments, sing songs, make crafts, play games, and eat snacks. We expect a great response, so enroll your child today. Cost is $10 per child and must be turned in by June 7th. Enrollment will be on a first come first served basis as we have limited space for each age group. Please contact Nicole Kruvczuk ( OR 610-666-6577) with any questions.

A separate form is needed for each child. Fill out this for one child, then after this registration is in your cart, you can return to the store to register additional children. Please contact church office for website issues (610-666-6577)