We Have Sold Out of Butter Cream!! The Famous Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter & Coconut Cream Easter Eggs are Back! St. Andrew’s Youth are once again selling their homemade Easter eggs to support Youth Ministry. For $12.00 you will receive a box of delicious chocolates. Orders can be placed by clicking this link Easter Candy. A […]
Fastnacht Social March 4th
Join your church friends for a Fastnacht Social the night before Ash Wednesday. We’ll gather in the Hospitality Center at 7:00pm for doughnuts, conversation and games. Fastnacht is a combination of the German words, fast and night. Traditionally, this would be a night to use up all of the sugar and fat in the house […]
Outreach Programs Available!!
FaithRide Each month on the first weekend of the month, we are offering rides to church for anyone who may not be able to get there on their own! This includes rides to and from any of the three services: Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 8:15am and Sunday 10:45am. Our drivers will pick up at your home, […]